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Regardless if this is your 1st visit to this Web page or if you have been redirected here. We are seeking investors and silent partners for a very unique and a very profitable venture in a Chapter 11 section 5 COVID 19 driven CARES ACT and relief model. This business model is nothing new it has been around for several dozen years. What makes this proposal very profitable and Lucrative is section 5 of chapter 11 CARES Act.
In summary, we finance reorganization of OTC markets publicly listed companies (both SEC reporting and non-reporting co) that are in peril or are experiencing difficult times due to COVID19 or bad business decisions and or other circumstances.
We act in a capacity as a “white knight” in a client’s Ch11 bankruptcy reorganizing capacity.
The CARES Act temporarily (for 2020 and the next year 2021) unless extended or amended allows companies with up to $7,500,000 (up from $2,725,625) in secured and unsecured non-contingent and liquidated debt to use Subchapter V to reorganize. This increase makes it possible for larger companies, with significant contingent and unliquidated debts that might otherwise reorganize under a traditional chapter 11, to qualify as a “small business debtor” and seek confirmation under the relaxed standards of Subchapter V.
So how do we make money out of this process? Simple…. as a white knight And a financier in the chapter 11 reorganization plan We are classified by the federal courts as a super-priority creditor. This in itself offers us a wide array of possibilities in how we are settled up be in in-stock equity plus cash or any other combination.
To learn more please contact us in a range a 20-minute telephone presentation where we can explain to you all the steps from A to Z. If you are a qualified investor we will furnish you with a private placement prospectus that will answer any additional questions you may have and risks associated with the venture.